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Mary Rose Academy


Class Teacher: Anna Hanvey

Welcome to Henley class.  We are a group of six pupils within the Key Stage 3 phase.

Our class loves to access a multi-sensory curriculum where we get to explore the world around us using our senses. You will often find us investigating tactile materials using our bodies, responding to visual and auditory stimuli; and using our sense of smell and taste to experience a wide range of scents and flavours. We love engaging in shared activities where we get to interact with our peers; have fun and develop our communication skills.

Our class aspirations for this school year are:

1) To remember that nothing can be impossible because impossible broken-down states: ‘I’m possible’!

2) To always achieve our very best.

3) To be the reason why someone smiles today.

We are looking forward to the exciting year ahead of us and we can’t wait to update you with our latest news and achievements.

Our class theme song is ‘Sweet Caroline’ by Neil Diamond.

Thank you for visiting our area of the website!