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Mary Rose Academy


The membership of the governing body of Mary Rose Academy is determined by the Terms of Reference and includes:   

  • Co-opted Governors
  • Parent Governors
  • Staff Governors

Co-opted and Parent Governors are all volunteers who are not paid.  The staff governors are all paid members of staff but do not receive any additional payments in connection with being a governor. 

There is also a Clerk to the Governors who arranges and attends meetings and helps with legal and constitutional matters, but cannot vote on any matter at any meeting. This is a paid post.

Statutory information about the current governors and resignations can be found in the Governance Documents section below.

Minutes from meetings of the Academy Committee are available on request.

To contact our Chair of Governors please email:


Mary Rose Academy is part of Solent Academies Trust.  to view the Trust's Governance/Financial and Gender Pay Gap Reports please click this button

Statutory Information 


Academy Committee 


  • Faye Watton-Lawrence
  • Carol Tarr
    Chair of Governors
  • Leone Hill
    Co-opted Governor
  • Kayleigh Morgan
    Staff Governor
  • Melissa Blignaut
    Staff Govenor
  • Emma Holmes
  • Arul Tharmarajah
    Parent Governor
  • Vicky Cleaver
    Parent Governor

Governance Documents