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Mary Rose Academy


Family Support at Mary Rose Academy

The Family Support Workers are here to support you and your children to help to reduce any barriers to learning or accessing support. The Family Support Team aim to provide families with, and ensure access to, high quality professional and pastoral support as part of a multi-agency approach, working to improve outcomes for our pupils and their families.

Your Family Support Workers are an accessible point of contact to help with your needs and to encourage positive family involvement in your child’s learning; helping to ensure good attendance and engagement in school activities that directly impact on their children such as annual review meetings, multi-agency meetings, medical appointments, parents’ evenings, school events and careers meetings.

Acting as advocates for you and your family, the Family Support Team are here to listen and understand your needs to offer wrap around support, bridging the gap between school and home by working closely with you and your child, class teams and Heads of Learning.

The Family Support Team are working to develop wider community support through family outreach activities, drop in coffee mornings, shared lunches and targeted workshops, using your feedback to shape our Family Hub. The team are available to help with advice and information, signposting and referrals, forms and applications and much more. They are here for you, whatever you may need, so please do not hesitate to get in touch.



 Family Support Workers

Nicky Atkins & Shelley De Vaux Rice

You can contact Nicky or Shelley with any questions that you may have by email or phone as follows:

Email: fsw@maryroseacademy.info

Phone Nicky: 07950 720190 Phone Shelley: 07950 72016




We would like to share with you some feedback:


 A great session, very interactive and informative – we benefited from lots of information that we didn’t know existed.

Another brilliant day, thank you so much for having us and giving us a place to meet and catch up with other families.

Fantastic! Really nice to socialise with other parents.

I found the workshop very helpful. Also loved talking to other parents.