Strong partnership with families and friends is very important to every child's learning and development at Mary Rose. Parents and carers have the most powerful influence on their child's development and we hope you will work with us to support your child and the school to make the most of all the opportunities that are available.
We encourage you to keep in close contact with us through the Home School link books, talking to and meeting with school staff, picking up your phone and giving us a call and attending Parents Evenings.
We have some wonderful celebrations and whole school events throughout the year to which you are invited. These include Christmas and Summer Shows, special assemblies, themed days and sports days, our Celebration Prom and of course our annual Global Rock Challenge Performance. The Friends of Mary Rose association is very active and they organise social events such as coffee mornings when families can meet together and also fund raising events to help raise the funds to buy specialist resources for the school.
If you have any ideas about how we can further support our partnership, please let us know.